Sunday, 15 August 2021


 "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."  -Albert Einstein

The lives of the innocent muslims and all those those killed, yesterday, 14th August 2021, in Plateau State while returning from Bauchi en-route Jos to Ondo state stands to be condemned. 

Perpetrators must be immidiately arrested, brought to book, publicly tried, if found guilty and must face capital punishment.

Furthermore, the state government under which these people were killed must pay blood money to the families of the victims. Condolence and appologies statements must be issued to them as well.

It is worthy to be noted that, Plateau State is a middle-belt state in Nigeria created in 1976 with the capital as Jos. It has an estimated land of 30,913km2. According to the 2006 census reports, it has a population of 3, 206, 531 inhabitants. It has a gross domestic product of $5.15 billion and a per capita income of $1, 587 per person. 

Plateau State slogan is "Home of Peace and Tourism." This is particularly true: It is a Home of Peace, but only on a white paper. As its inhabitants are constantly at war with themselves.

 It is a state that is abundantly blessed with natural formation of rocks, hills and water falls. It was a state where the British minned tin during colonialism as well. 

The natural resources in the state are in abundant. The economy in the state was threatened by communal crisis which led to the bombing of the infamous Taminus market twice in the last decade.

One can write abundantly on their geology, geography, history, tourism, education, culture, religions, and communal conflicts. 

I will focus on the communal conflicts ober time.

As a young boy growing up in the city of Jos, I recalled vividly, what lead to the infamous 7th September 2001 crisis was when a Christian woman attempted to cross cover a barricated street outside a mosque during a friday prayer. 
Since then, crisis in Jos have been mostly fuelled by ethnicity, ethno-religious conflicts, politics and communal crisis.

According to the Geneva Declaration published in 2010, from 1999 till date Plateau State has been notoriously known to be the ring of communal crisis between the minority muslims Hausa-Fulani Herders and predominantly Christian farmers in the middle-belt area of Northen Nigeria.

Over the last two decades, protracted communal conflicts have resulted to the deaths of over 13, 500 people in the region (HRW, 2010).  

Geneva Declaration report has it that over 7,000 lives had been lost since 2001 to 2010.  The 2001 Jos riot alone claimed over 1,000 lives. In 2004, more than 7, 000 people were killed again in Southern Plateau State. 

Clashes between Muslims and Christians youths rocked the city of Jos again in 2008 which left more than 700 dead. Likewise in 2010, more than 1, 000 lives were lost (ibid). 

The recent killings is the unGodly attack on the innocent travellers going back to their families yesterday! Some reports claimed more tham 25 people have been fared dead, while others sayd mors than 33. Only God knows the actual figures for now. 

What was thier crime? Why were they attacked? Who attacked them? Only God knows the answers to these questions. 

Over time, there has been decisive actions towards peace and conflict resolution strategies in Plateau State. However, I regret to say these conferences and peace summits have only added to the crisis one way or the other. 

Attributing terrorism or killings to any religion is an injustice to that religion. No religion public adhere its followers to kill innocent lives. Over time, we know it is the politicians who have monopoly on violence. 

As a society, we must learn to live with one another peacefully and in a productive manner. We must practice tolerances. We must learn to live with our differences. I believe there is strength in diversity.  We should all remember, that even though, we speak and practice different religions here on earth, but we are descendants of Adam and Eve. 

The unfortunate thing is that, in all the epochs of killings that have been happing in Plateau State, has anyone heared or known of any culprit that has been tried and punished? Many might have been apprehended, but what happen to them next? Has anyone gone to jail? Who else was hanged? 

Sor far, according to Channels TV, 12 person have been arrested in connection with the incidents. While the State government had declared a curfew in the afftected areas.

If law offenders get away with their offence, especially murder, then their is going to be a great mischief on earth. An eye for an eye. A life for a life. There is no two ways about it. 

Otherwise, we will have to live in a very nasty, brutish, barbaric and anarchy society where everyone will result to taking laws into their hands because they have lost faith and confidence on the government to protect  them or fight for their rights.

Finally, may the soul of the innocent Muslims ruthlessly killed yesterday rest in absolute peace. They are martyrs we believe. On The Day of Qiyam, the perpetrators will be questioned by the Almighty. 
May Allah resote eternal peace and order to our country. 

Written by:

Yusuf Nasir Ahmad.

15 August 2021.

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